Temple Baptist College Ministry (TBCU)
Mid-Week Gathering - 8PM
On Wednesday nights, college students gather from all around the Pine Belt area here at Temple to draw near to God. Hebrews 10:22 says, “Let us draw near to God with a true heart.” This is the purpose of our mid-week gathering - we want to draw near to the Lord with true hearts because God has drawn near to us through the work of Jesus!
- Preworship hangout in the Grand Foyer. Enter through the main entrance under the large covered awning facing Old Hwy. 11.
- The Worship Gathering will begin at 8pm in the Student Worship Center on the second floor (room C200).
Sunday Morning Bible Fellowship
In Acts 2, we see the church meeting together listening to God’s Word. They were sharing, encouraging, and eating together. Bible Fellowship is where we do these three things. We share God’s Word & what He is doing in the lives of college students, we encourage each other through the truths of the Bible, and we do all of this over coffee and donuts and would love for you to join us.
- Bible Fellowship meets in the café area at 5220 (the gym).
- Bible Fellowship meets at 9am. We encourage our college students to attend the 10:30am Worship Service.
Life Groups
We call them Life Groups for a reason. These are the groups where we do and talk about life together. Life Groups are where we intentionally live in fellowship together, praying for one another, confessing to one another, and encouraging and helping one another through the Word of God. Our primary vehicle for transformation and accountability is in Life Groups. No matter where you are in your faith journey, you belong in one of our Life Groups!
- Life Groups consist of a max of 10 students of the same gender.
- These groups meet throughout the week off campus.
1 on 1 Discipleship
Here at TBC, we have adults who love to disciple and mentor college students. There are many questions to face walking through your college years and we have adults who would love to pour Biblical wisdom into you as you make those decisions.
Interested in serving? CLICK HERE
Interested in connecting with us? CLICK HERE
To view College Wednesday Night Services CLICK HERE
For information about getting involved with TBCU, contact Austin Bahm.