Do you wonder if you're called to ministry? Do you aspire to serve others through the local church? Are you considering full-time or part-time ministry? Consider applying for the Aspire Program. Aspire is Temple's ministry intern program for individuals who are sophomores in college or older. 

The Apostle Paul wrote these words to his friend and fellow pastor, Timothy, “Here is a trustworthy saying: Whoever aspires to be an overseer desires a noble task.”(1 Tim 3:1) The word for aspire in the Greek is ὀρέγοuαι, which means to reach out after or long for. An aspiration for ministry is a noble longing, one that the local church is responsible for identifying, equipping, and sending. This is the idea behind the Aspire Program. We desire to allow men and women to serve in a supervised ministry context, getting practical ministry training.


  • Born again Christian

  • Enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate program

  • Do not have to be a member of TBC but must actively participate during the internship

  • Member of a Southern Baptist Church for two years

Applications are open until Nov 13 for Spring 2025 internships.

Apply Here

Spring 2025 positions

Click the links below for each intern job description

Student Ministry(6th-12th grades)

Student Ministry Intern

The Student Ministry Intern come alongside our student staff in equipping our students to leverage their influence and lead others to Christ.



  • Greeting students and families as they enter the Refuge
  • Helping to ensure that BF roles are completed
  • Being open to subbing and teaching for BF Teachers


  • Attending pre-service prayer time at 3:45 in the Refuge
  • Being present on Wednesday nights to assist with tasks and ministry and to assist the Timothy interns in their weekly duties.
  • Setup all the ipads for check-in in the refuge
  • Greeting new students and families / directing people on where to go
  • Be available to counsel at the end of services
  • Lead games and other service elements


  • Attending the weekly Timothy spiritual development meetings on Wednesdays at 4:00 PM.
  • Assisting our student staff in utilizing our social media platforms and creating a consistent digital footprint with good communication.
  • Assist with administrative tasks as needed.
  • Doing weekly student follow up with students of the same gender.
  • Going through spiritual development with one or all the student ministry staff members.
  • Assisting in keeping the refuge clean, aesthetically appealing, and a welcoming atmosphere.
  • Assisting with campus outreach by helping brainstorm ideas, facilitate events, and attend outreach events.
  • Being available and being a team player.


Click Here

How many hours a week is the internship?

20 hours

How long does the internship last?

5 months, or roughly a school semester

Are the internships paid?

Yes. Each intern is paid an hourly wage

Can I have another job during the internship?

Yes, as long as the hours do not interfere with your schedule at the church

Do I have to be a member of Temple?

You do not have to be a member. However, during the internship, you will be expected to be involved in the life of Temple.

aspire program coordinators

Beth McDaniel

Hospitality and Connections Coordinator

office: 6014503035